কর্মসংস্থান, দারিদ্র বিমোচন, ও অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নে পপুলার লাইফের ভূমিকা শীর্ষক আলোচনা সভায় বিএনপি'র স্থায়ী কমিটির সদস্য জনাব আমির খসরু মাহমুদ চৌধুরীকে ক্রেস্ট উপহার

জনাব মোহাম্মদ জহিরুল ইসলাম চৌধুরী পপুলার লাইফ ইনস্যুরেন্স কোঃ লিঃ এর চেয়ারম্যান নির্বাচিত

কর্মসংস্থান, দারিদ্র বিমোচন, ও অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নে পপুলার লাইফের ভূমিকা শীর্ষক আলোচনা সভায় অতিথিবৃন্দ

মাদক বিরোধী কর্মকাণ্ডে পপুলার লাইফের প্রথম পুরস্কার অর্জন

ঢাকায় বীমা গ্রাহকরে ৭,৪৬৮ টি চকেে বীমা দাবীর ২৪,৪১,৬৮,১৮৯ টাকার চকে হস্তান্তর অনুষ্ঠতি

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Welcome To Popular Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Message from
Managing Director & CEO Desk

Popular Life Insurance Company Ltd is a leading and prominent life insurance company in the country's insurance sector having all kinds of lucrative life insurance products and services. It is a third generation life insurance company which was established by a group of renowned and enthusiastic business entrepreneurs of the country. The company was incorporated as a public limited company on September 26, 2000 under The Companies Act, 1994 and commenced it's journey in the same year. The company obtained the certificate of registration from the Chief Controller of Insurance, Department of Insurance on October 04, 2000. Currently the company has been operating business as per legal frame work of the revised insurance Act, 2010 under the supervision of Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA), Ministry of Finance. Popular Life Insurance Company Ltd (PLICL) started it's operation with a paid-up capital of Tk 30 million against an authorized capital of Tk 250 million being sponsored by a group of individual linked to reputed business concern. Both authorized and paid-up capital have been enhanced to Tk 5000 million and 604.28 million respectively as on 31st December, 2021. Eminent business personality Mr. Md. Zahirul Islam Chowdhury is the Chairman of the Board of Directors while management team consists of a group of professionals headed by a very promising and leading insurance professional Mr. B M Yousuf Ali, Managing Director and CEO. The company has been listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange and Chittagong stock exchange on July 10, 2005 and the shares of the company are traded under "A" category in both stock exchange. The company has obtained credit rating "AAA" for long term and ST-1 rating for Short term, as per rating report upto December 2021. As per financial statement of 2022, the company has earned Premium Income Tk- 6,757.35 million where life fund stands Tk- 16,852.67 million. Total assests of the company stands Tk- 22,543.66 million and investment becomes Tk- 16,628.83 million. Since inception to December, 2022 the company has paid various claims amounting Tk- 54,070.21 million in favour of 4.051 million Policy holders. The company has built up a strong IT infrastructure to provide prompt service to the policy holders as well as to be aligned with recent approaches of the government towards a digitalize and develop future of the country. Company has established leading Position in County's insurance sector through paying highest dividend to the shareholder's and maximum policy bonuses to his policy holders since inception.

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